In final rules setting out Medicare reimbursement rates for skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 (which starts October 1, 2011), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (
Not surprisingly, following announcement of the rate reductions, the three national nursing home trade associations immediately reacted with alarm and argued that jobs would be lost and quality of care for residents would suffer.[5] Alarm notwithstanding, Medicare remains the most highly profitable source of payment for SNF care.
Some background information is useful in understanding the targeted reductions made by CMS for FY 2012. It has long been recognized by CMS, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), the General Accounting Office (GAO), and the Office of Inspector General that SNFs have been overpaid by billions of dollars.[6] Even so, CMS is reducing some of the SNF reimbursement rates prospectively only; it is not requiring that any past overpayments be repaid. Despite continued profitability, even with the announced rate reductions, advocates for residents should take steps to assure that facilities do not compromise quality of care for residents by cutting the staff, food, and supplies that are essential for resident care.
The remainder of this Alert describes how Medicare pays SNFs and how the overpayments, repeatedly documented, have made SNFs extremely profitable, but have not improved resident care. The Alert also includes several suggestions for resident advocacy.
How Medicare Pays SNFs
In 1998,
Medicare pays the highest rates for residents receiving rehabilitation services. Approximately 92% of all Medicare residents are assigned to rehabilitation categories.[7] SNFs assign residents to specific rehabilitation categories under RUGs based on the number of minutes of therapy they receive. More minutes of therapy mean higher RUG categories and higher rates for SNFs.
The Medicare program allows SNFs to bill for therapy in one of three ways: Individual Therapy (one resident – one therapist), Group therapy (one therapist working with multiple residents on the same therapy task), and Concurrent Therapy (one therapist working with multiple residents on different therapy tasks at the same time). Historically, for each therapy method, the SNF would attribute the full amount of the therapist's time (i.e., the full number of therapy minutes) to each resident. For example, four residents receiving group therapy for an hour would each be assigned 60 minutes of care for the therapy session.
SNFs Have Been Overpaid
Since Medicare implemented
Although many reports documented that SNFs had been overpaid under the prior fee-for-service reimbursement system, overpayments continued when
CMS Recalibrates Rates
In May 2008,
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), which advises Congress on Medicare policy, had reviewed SNFs' profit margins and operations and recommended in March 2008 that SNFs receive no update at all for FY 2009.[14] Rejecting MedPAC's recommendation,
[I]n view of the widespread industry concern that a recalibration could potentially have adverse effects on beneficiaries and SNF clinical staff, and could negatively affect the quality of SNF care, we believe that the most prudent course is to continue to evaluate these issues carefully before proceeding.[15]
The next year, 2009,
Reporting that it estimated that expenditures for FY 2010 would be $1.05 billion higher than intended,
[W]e have proposed to correct, on a prospective basis, an overpayment situation that has been in effect since January 2006. To avoid possible negative consequences we have decided not to go back and recoup the excess expenditures made to SNFs ever since January 2006. Instead, we are limiting the scope of the recalibration to restoring the intended SNF
Although the recalibration reduced SNF Medicare rates by $1.05 billion (9.68%),
In 2010,
This year,
In May 2011,
SNFs Have Made Enormous Profits from Medicare
MedPAC reported in March 2011 that Medicare payments increased faster than Medicare costs, resulting in free-standing SNFs having average Medicare profit margins in 2009 of 18.1%, an increase from 10.9% in 2003.[26]
Table 7-6: Freestanding SNF Medicare Margins Continue to Increase
(From MedPAC, Medicare Payment Policy, Report to Congress, Chapter 7, page 158, Table 7-6 (March 2011)
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
Number of freestanding cost reports |
10,941 |
11,252 |
11,301 |
11,379 |
11,625 |
12,549 |
12,827 |
Margin, by type of SNF: |
All |
10.9% |
13.7% |
13.0% |
13.3% |
14.7% |
16.6% |
18.1% |
Urban |
10.3% |
13.2% |
12.6% |
13.1% |
14.5% |
16.3% |
18.0% |
Rural |
13.8% |
16.1% |
15.2% |
14.3% |
15.5% |
17.9% |
18.7% |
For profit |
13.3% |
16.2% |
15.2% |
15.7% |
17.2% |
19.1% |
20.3% |
Nonprofit |
1.6% |
3.6% |
4.6% |
3.5% |
4.2% |
7.1% |
9.5% |
In 2011, MedPAC reported that Medicare margins exceeded 10% for the ninth consecutive year.[27] In March 2009, MedPAC reported that one-quarter of SNFs showed profit margins of at least 24.8%[28]
Residents Have Not Received Increased Care or Services from Overpayments
The GAO reported as early as 2002 that SNFs had shifted their assessment practices to assign residents to the rehabilitation RUG-III categories that gave them the most favorable reimbursement rates, often without actually providing residents with the number of minutes of therapy they required in order to be placed in those categories.[29] In addition, the GAO reported that two years after the prospective payment system was implemented, "The patients categorized into the two most common (high and medium) rehabilitation payment group categories typically received 30 minutes less therapy during their first week of care, a 22 percent decline." Id. 3. While reimbursement to SNFs increased, rehabilitation services for residents actually decreased.
Nurse staffing fared no better when reimbursement was increased. Congress increased the nurse staffing component of the SNF rates by 16.66%, effective April 1, 2001, raising rates for SNFs by 4 to 12%. Although the additional reimbursement focused on staff, the GAO found that SNFs' average nurse staffing increased by just 1.9 minutes per patient day.[30]
Advocates Must Be Vigilant to Protect and Promote Quality of Care for Residents
CMS' reduction of overpayments to SNFs is one effort to bring down health care costs and to assure that payments are made to health care providers for services that are actually provided, but residents' advocates must assure that care for residents does not decline. The opportunity for harm to residents is especially significant this year.
SNFs' expenses include expenses that must be paid – mortgage or rent, utilities, taxes – and expenses where SNFs may see flexibility – chiefly staffing, food, and supplies. Staffing is particularly in danger because of the weak federal standards for nurse staffing. Federal law requires SNFs, regardless of size, to have one registered nurse on the day shift and licensed and unlicensed nurses 24 hours a day that are "sufficient" to meet residents' needs.[32] This vague standard is difficult to enforce, giving SNFs leeway to staff at low levels, a significant problem when
Advocates may want to closely monitor SNFs' posted staffing levels.[34] Under federal law, SNFs are required to post daily, at the beginning of each shift, the number of licensed nurses (registered nurses, licensed practical or vocational nurses) and unlicensed nursing staff (certified nurse assistants) who are "directly responsible for resident care" as well as the resident census. Facilities must make the information available to the public in a readily accessible place, and on request,[35] and "must maintain the posted daily nurse staffing data for a minimum of 18 months, or as required by State law, whichever is greater."[36]
Advocates may file complaints with the state survey agency (generally located in the state health department) if staffing levels decline and residents are harmed or are in danger of harm as a result. They may also encourage
[1] 76 Federal Register 48486 (Aug. 8, 2011),
[2] 76 Fed. Reg. 26364, at 36370 (May 6, 2011),
[3] Id.
[4] Id. 48501, Tables 4 and 5, respectively.
[5] American Health Care Association (for-profit nursing homes), "
[6] See note 9, infra, for a list of some of the studies recognizing SNF overpayments.
[7] 76 Fed. Reg. 48486, at 48498 (Aug. 8, 2011).
[8] Id. 48497-48498.
[9] Office of Inspector General, "Early Alert Memorandum Report: Changes in Skilled Nursing Facilities Billing in Fiscal Year 2011," OEI-02-09-0024, The Government Accountability Office also recently documented high profit margins for SNFs acquired by private investment firms. GAO, Nursing Homes: Private Investment Homes Sometimes Differed from Others in Deficiencies, Staffing, and Financial Performance, page 34, Figure 11, GAO-11-571 (July 2011),
[10] 76 Fed. Reg. 48486, at 48497-48498 (Aug. 8, 2011) (discussing efforts to restore budget neutrality following transitions from 44 to 53 resident classifications and from 53 to 66 classifications).
[11] 73 Fed. Reg. 25918, at 25923 (May 7, 2008),
[12] 73 Fed. Reg 46416, at 46422 (Aug. 8, 2008),
[13] Office of Inspector General, Questionable Billing by Skilled Nursing Facilities, page 9, OEI-02-09-00200 (Dec. 2010),
[14] MedPAC, Medicare Payment Policy, Report to Congress, Section 2D, pages 142 (March 2008),
[15] 73 Fed. Reg. 46416, at 46424 (Aug. 8, 2008).
[16] 74 Fed. Reg. 40288, at 40315 (Aug. 11, 2009) (final rules),
[17]Id. 40315-40319.
[18] Id. 40295.
[19]Id. 40297.
[20] Id. 40298.
[21] 76 Fed. Reg. 26364, at 36370 (May 6, 2011),
[22] 76 Fed. Reg. 26364, at 26372 (May 6, 2011).
[23] 76 Fed. Reg. 48486, at 48511-48513 (Aug. 8, 2011).
[24] Id. 48496 (Aug. 8, 2011).
[25] Id.
[26] MedPAC, Medicare Payment Policy, Report to Congress, Chapter 7, pages 157-158, Table 7-6 (SNFs) (March 2011),
[27] Id. 158.
[28] MedPAC, Report to the Congress: Medicare Payment Policy, Section 2D (Skilled Nursing Facility Services), pages 160-161 (March 2009),
[29] GAO, Skilled Nursing Facilities Have Responded to Medicare Payment System by Changing Practices, GAO-02-841 (Aug. 2002),
[30] GAO, Skilled Nursing Facilities: Available Data Show Average Nursing Staff Time Changed Little after Medicare Payment Increase, page 3, GAO-03-176 (Nov. 2002),
[31] 76 Fed. Reg. 48896, at 48496 (Aug. 8, 2011).
[32] 42 U.S.C. §§1395i-3(b)(4)(C)(i).
[33] Health Care Financing Administration, Report to Congress: Appropriateness of Minimum Nurse Staffing Ratios in Nursing Homes, Phase II Final Report (Winter 2001).
[34] 42 C.F.R. §483.30(e).
[35] 42 C.F.R. §483.30(e)(2), (3).
[36] 42 C.F.R. §483.30(e)(4).