This week, the Center working with other advocacy organizations, submitted comments for the Administration’s proposed rule on Short-Term Limited Duration Insurance. This refers to the “fake insurance” or “junk plans” that we have been highlighting for the last few months. Our Comments come on the heels of the Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2019 final rule. Both of these rules amount to an assault on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its benefit and coverage protections.
In the comments, the Center expresses concerns over the harm this so-called “insurance” would do to consumers and the Marketplace.
These junk plans:
- Don’t protect people with pre-existing conditions;
- Have high out of pocket costs;
- Don’t have to cover ACA essential health benefits;
- May discriminate based on age or gender;
- May impose lifetime and annual limits.
In addition, consumers who choose to remain in the individual market – including those who are older or have pre-existing conditions – will be left with higher costs. These worthless plans will hurt individuals and families who need quality comprehensive coverage.
Also this week, we heard reports that the Administration is examining weakening the ACA’s non-discrimination protections. Specifically, there are potential changes to Section 1557, which prohibits discrimination in health care.
As we stated in our comments to the recent Conscience proposed rule, these “repeated attempts to undermine our nation’s health care system must end. All Americans deserve access to affordable, quality health coverage.”
- See the Kaiser state-by-state data on short term plans:
- See the NYT article on the weakening of ACA non-discrimination protections: