Medicare-covered outpatient physical, speech and occupational therapy services are subject to an annual dollar-amount payment cap. As a result, many Medicare beneficiaries have their therapy terminate prematurely when they reach the cap. … [Read more...] about Medicare Therapy Caps: A Call for Repeal
Medicare Part B
New Report: Expanded Dental Coverage Needed to Confront Health Crisis
As policymakers consider proposals to slash successful community programs including Medicare and Medicaid, older Americans and their families continue to face barriers to necessary health care, including access to dental coverage and services. A new … [Read more...] about New Report: Expanded Dental Coverage Needed to Confront Health Crisis
Medicare’s National Mail Order Program for Diabetic Testing Supplies
On July 1, 2013, Medicare Part B will implement a national mail-order competitive bidding program specifically for diabetic testing supplies. [1],[2] The program applies to all zip codes in the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto … [Read more...] about Medicare’s National Mail Order Program for Diabetic Testing Supplies
Let DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Proceed While Addressing Identified Problems and Concerns
Medicare's Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program is once again under attack. Many questions have been raised about whether the program is fair to providers and whether … [Read more...] about Let DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Proceed While Addressing Identified Problems and Concerns
Medicare and Mental Health
In addition to societal stigma, people with mental health needs often face barriers to adequate medical coverage and treatment for their conditions. While many individuals and their families face these issues in the private market, people with … [Read more...] about Medicare and Mental Health
Making Sense of Medicare’s Preventive Service Benefits
September 20, 2012 With the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA1997), Congress began an expansion of preventive benefits and services available through Medicare.[1] The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) added additional preventive … [Read more...] about Making Sense of Medicare’s Preventive Service Benefits
Center for Medicare Advocacy in Congress, Voicing Concerns on Behalf of Beneficiaries
On May 9, 2012, the Center for Medicare Advocacy (the Center) testified before the Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means, U. S. Congress. The Subcommittee hearing was called by its Chair, Wally Herger (R-CA), to explore the … [Read more...] about Center for Medicare Advocacy in Congress, Voicing Concerns on Behalf of Beneficiaries
Congressional Subcommittee Examines Issues of Dental Health
Last week, the Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging held a hearing to discuss the growing dental crisis in America. As the Center recently wrote, most people who rely on Medicare go without basic dental … [Read more...] about Congressional Subcommittee Examines Issues of Dental Health
Reminder: Medicare Covers Obesity Prevention with No Cost-Sharing
On November 29, 2011, CMS announced its decision to include coverage for obesity screening and counseling services for Medicare beneficiaries.[1] This new coverage for Medicare beneficiaries is another tool aimed at emphasizing prevention and … [Read more...] about Reminder: Medicare Covers Obesity Prevention with No Cost-Sharing
Breaking Good News for Medicare Beneficiaries
Part B Cost-Sharing Lower Than Expected for 2012 Today the Obama Administration announced that, overall, Part B cost-sharing will be less than projected for all beneficiaries in 2012. The Part B deductible will decrease by $22 in 2012, from … [Read more...] about Breaking Good News for Medicare Beneficiaries