- Welcome and Housekeeping (David Lipschutz, Moderator)
- Administrative Update
- Proposed Requirements of Participation for Nursing Facilities (Toby Edelman)
- Overview of Proposed Rule – 80 Fed. Reg. 41267 (July 16, 2015)
- Center’s Draft Comments (now due October 14, 2015)
- Update on 2016 Part B Premiums and Deductibles (David Lipschutz)
- Medicare Trustees Report and next steps
- Access to Care for Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries (Kata Kertesz)
- CMS Report: Access to Care Issues Among Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMB)
- Proposed Policy Change on Lower Limb Prostheses (Kathy Holt)
- Proposed Draft Local Coverage Determination (LCD) on Lower Limb Prostheses (DL33787)
- Center’s comments to Proposed LCD
- Litigation Update (Ali Bers)
- Bagnall (Observation)
- Lessler (ALJ Delay Case)
- Jimmo (Improvement standard)
- Hull (lower level Medicare appeals)
- Ryan (prior favorable homebound determination)
- Lodge (extreme dental care)
- General Medicare Q&A (Moderator)
- Wrap-up (Moderator)
- Keep informed: Myths and Truths, other information and updates on the Center’s Website
- Next Call
REMINDER: Other information available at: https://www.medicareadvocacy.org/Projects/AdvocatesAlliance/AdvocatesAlliance.IssueBriefs.htm.