The Center for Medicare Advocacy continues our years-long efforts for medically necessary oral health care to be covered by Medicare, as authorized under current law.
Along with a coalition of beneficiary advocates, disease organizations, industry groups, oral health and medical health professionals the Center has been gathering experts to present at listening sessions with CMS staff. The second of the three-part series took place in June.
- Recording available:
Additionally, we are delighted to share Dear Colleague letters from both the House and Senate that were sent to CMS supporting medically necessary dental. The Senate letter was signed by 22 Senators and the House letter had over 100 Representatives join!
- Senate letter available:
- House letter available:
The Center for Medicare Advocacy would like to thank CareQuest Institute for Oral Health for generous funding that allows us to continue our commitment to recognizing the importance of oral health care for Medicare beneficiaries.
July 7, 2022 – K. Kertesz