Center for Medicare Advocacy Senior Policy Attorney Kata Kertesz had her article, “Expansions of Medigap Consumer Protections are Necessary to Promote Health Equity in the Medicare Program,” published last week in the Stetson University College of Law Journal of Aging Law & Policy.
This article explores how expansions of consumer protections for private Medigap supplemental insurance are necessary to promote health equity in the Medicare program. The article outlines the background of Medigap and Medicare Advantage and discusses how the limited federal consumer protections in Medigap create barriers for individuals who wish to exit Medicare Advantage in order to enroll in traditional Medicare.
The article includes research on the challenges associated with Medicare Advantage for many older, sicker Medicare beneficiaries, and beneficiaries of color, including problems related to limited provider networks and higher out-of-pocket costs, and the health equity considerations these issues raise. The article includes a discussion of possible federal consumer protections that could reduce some of these barriers and improve health equity.
- Read the full article at