As the need for health care increases in the face of COVID-19, access to Medicaid will become more crucial. Below is list of recent resources for assistance accessing Medicaid.
- Inventory of Medicaid and CHIP Flexibilities and Authorities in the Event of a Disaster
- State Resource Disaster Response Toolkit
- Kaiser Family Foundation tracker: Medicaid Emergency Authority Tracker: Approved State Actions to Address COVID-19 and Kaiser Family Foundation issue brief: How Can Medicaid Enhance State Capacity to Respond to COVID-19?
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities blog: Medicaid Agencies Should Prioritize New Applications, Continuity of Coverage During COVID-19 Emergency
- NHeLP issue brief: Overview on Using Medicaid to Respond to COVID-19
- Commonwealth Fund report: Using Medicaid Waivers to Help States Manage the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis
- Center for Public Representation site with COVID-19 resources
- The Arc’s COVID-19 response page
- Families USA report: State Health Coverage Strategies for COVID-19