- Welcome and Housekeeping (David Lipschutz, Moderator)
- Presentation: Re-Review of Previously Denied Claims Pursuant to the Jimmo Settlement (Gill Deford)
- Overview
- Claims Eligible for Review
- Deadlines and Request Form
- Legislative Update: The Federal Budget and Medicare (David Lipschutz)
- Medicare “Doc Fix” (Physician payment, or “SGR”): Where are we now?
- Extenders: QI program and therapy cap exceptions process
- "Pay-fors": cost-shifting to Medicare beneficiaries?
- Regulatory Update
- CMS Proposed Rule re: Parts C and D (79 FR 1918, January 10, 2014) (David Lipschutz)
- Overview
- Including change in Part D protected classes of drugs
- Comments Due March 7, 2014
- Durable Medical Equipment (DME) and Mail-order: What are your experiences? (Alfred Chiplin)
- State high-risk pools and recent CMS policy issuance (Andrea Callow)
- Due Process and Medicare Appeals (Judy Stein)
- Denial rate of beneficiary appeals
- ALJ scheduling backlog
- General Medicare Q&A (Moderator)
- Wrap-up (Moderator)
- Keep informed: Myths and Truths, other information and updates on the Center’s Website
- Searchable Database
- Next Call