Monday, February 13, 2012– 2:00 P.M., Eastern Time
Call-in Number: 1 (888) 206-2266
Pass Code: 1050263#
NOTE: We ask people calling from the same location to gather around one telephone. This frees up lines and holds down costs.
- Welcome and Housekeeping (David Lipschutz, Policy Attorney, Center for Medicare Advocacy, Moderator)
- Legislative Update (David Lipschutz, CMA)
- Update on “Extender Bill” – Physician payments (“SGR”), Qualified Individual (QI) program, and Therapy Cap Exceptions
- Update on “Extender Bill” – Physician payments (“SGR”), Qualified Individual (QI) program, and Therapy Cap Exceptions
- Presentation: Review of Medicare Therapy Caps and Exceptions Process (David Lipschutz, CMA)
- Update on Challenges to the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
- Overview of Supreme Court Challenge (Gill Deford, Director of Litigation, Center for Medicare Advocacy
- Special Presentation: Rochelle Bobroff, Directing Attorney, National Senior Citizens Law Center (NSCLC) – NSCLC’s Amicus Brief
- Litigation Update (Gill Deford, CMA)
- Bagnall (Observation)
- Jimmo(Improvement)
- Other litigation
- General Medicare Q&A* (David Lipschutz,Moderator)
- Wrap-up (David Lipschutz, Moderator)
- Issue Briefs on Center’s Website
- Searchable Database
- Next Call
REMINDER: The Center for Medicare Advocacy’s On-Line Medicare Decision Database And Other Information Are Available At: