Discharge planning[1] is an important tool for reviewing and making arrangements for on-going healthcare needs across healthcare settings, including hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home health, or hospice. When focusing on discharge planning, … [Read more...] about Medicare and Discharge Planning: Thinking Through Your Needs
Hospice News: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly
The Good: Connecticut Will Cover Hospice Care for Medicaid RecipientsMedicaid recipients in Connecticut will soon have access to hospice care. The new benefit closely resembles the Medicare hospice benefit. To obtain hospice care, Medicaid … [Read more...] about Hospice News: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly
Landers v. Leavitt
No. 3:04CV1988JCH (D. Conn.), filed Nov. 23, 2004 Last Updated: September 22, 2009 Issue: Whether the Secretary's policy of not counting time in an emergency room or in "observation status" towards the three-day qualifying hospital … [Read more...] about Landers v. Leavitt
Limits on Medicare’s Recovery Health Care Payments When the Beneficiary Has Liabaility or Workers’ Compensation Insurance
The Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) law was enacted by Congress to assure that Medicare does not pay for medical expenses that could be covered by private insurance. When beneficiaries are injured, Medicare will pay for care related to the injury if … [Read more...] about Limits on Medicare’s Recovery Health Care Payments When the Beneficiary Has Liabaility or Workers’ Compensation Insurance
The Center for Medicare Advocacy v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
No. 1:05CV2266 (D.D.C.), filed November 23, 2005 Updated: April 9, 2009 Issue: Whether HHS violated the Freedom of Information Act when it failed to respond to a request for documents about the videoconferencing technology to be … [Read more...] about The Center for Medicare Advocacy v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Establishing A Coordinated Care Benefit In The Traditional Medicare Program
The Center for Medicare Advocacy is pleased that there is renewed interest in the Congress for establishing a coordinated care benefit in the traditional Medicare program. Any health care reform, including Medicare reform, must embrace a coordinated … [Read more...] about Establishing A Coordinated Care Benefit In The Traditional Medicare Program
The "Improvement Standard" is a Barrier to Necessary Care
Mrs. P, 68 years old, was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease) five years ago. She now needs a wheelchair, cannot stand on her own, needs assistance to move from bed to wheelchair, and is losing … [Read more...] about The "Improvement Standard" is a Barrier to Necessary Care
Miles v. Leavitt
No. 08 CV 0432(PAC) (S.D.N.Y.), filed January 17, 2008 Updated: January 5, 2009 Issue: Whether a letter sent to state officials by CMS in August 2007, in which the agency restricted states' rights to expand eligibility in their State … [Read more...] about Miles v. Leavitt
Older Americans Act Provides Assistance for Supportive Services
IntroductionAdvocates assisting Medicare beneficiaries, including those who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, should review the supportive services available under the Older Americans Act (OAA) for individuals in their homes or … [Read more...] about Older Americans Act Provides Assistance for Supportive Services
Consumer Assessment of Health Care Providers and Systems (CAHPS)
Beneficiary Satisfaction Measure is Not Used to It's Fullest ExtentUnlike report cards that use clinical measures, The Consumer Assessment of health care Providers and Systems (CAHPS) reports patient ratings of their experience with … [Read more...] about Consumer Assessment of Health Care Providers and Systems (CAHPS)