According to researchers from the Urban Institute, writing in the New England Journal of Medicine, Medicare's purported dire financial condition isn’t actually all that dire. Given the aging of our population, increases in enrollment … [Read more...] about We Don’t Need the Ryan Plan − Medicare Is Not Going Broke
Increased Funding for AIDS Drugs Assistance Program Responds to Need for Additional HIV/AIDS Services
On July 19, 2012, the Secretary of Health & Human Services (HHS), Kathleen Sebelius, announced the availability of roughly $80 million dollars in grant money to increase access to HIV/AIDS care, including eliminating waiting lists,[1] which have … [Read more...] about Increased Funding for AIDS Drugs Assistance Program Responds to Need for Additional HIV/AIDS Services
CMS Clarifies When the Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-Coverage (ABN) Must be Issued
August 16, 2012 On June 1, 2012, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued Transmittal No.R2480CP, which updates its instructions on the issuance of the Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN), Form CMS-R-131.[1] The changes are … [Read more...] about CMS Clarifies When the Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-Coverage (ABN) Must be Issued
The $700 Billion Medicare Myth
Medicare has been front and center in the media and on the campaign trails this week. As part of our Medicare Truth Squad efforts to debunk myths and claims about the Medicare program, today we focus our attention on a pervasive myth that keeps going … [Read more...] about The $700 Billion Medicare Myth
August, 2012 – Medicare and ACA Messaging: Fighting Fiction with Facts
NATIONAL MEDICARE ADVOCATES ALLIANCE CALL Monday, August 13, 2012 – 2:00 P.M., Eastern Time Call-in Number: 1 (888) 206-2266 Pass Code: 9874704 NOTE: We ask people calling from the same location to gather around one … [Read more...] about August, 2012 – Medicare and ACA Messaging: Fighting Fiction with Facts
CMS Invites Public Comment on Observation Status
August 9, 2012 Note to Alert readers: This Posted version contains additional information beyond that in the emailed version.As part of a notice of proposed rulemaking published in the Federal Register on July 30, 2012, the Centers for Medicare … [Read more...] about CMS Invites Public Comment on Observation Status
Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Program: Proposed Rules for the Treatment of Funds Intended for Future Medical Expenses
Advocates have long awaited clarification from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) about its rules and procedures for the treatment of future medical expenses related to an accident or injury for which there is third party … [Read more...] about Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Program: Proposed Rules for the Treatment of Funds Intended for Future Medical Expenses
Organizations Unite to Urge Caution in Demonstration Programs Serving Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries
Noting that "[w]e are excited about the demonstrations and would like them to succeed," the Center for Medicare Advocacy (the Center), and thirty-two other national consumer advocacy and provider organizations have called on the Centers for … [Read more...] about Organizations Unite to Urge Caution in Demonstration Programs Serving Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries
Compare Hospitals or Nursing Homes Using Medicare’s Online Tools
Two websites that help Americans make informed choices about hospitals and nursing homes have been redesigned and will make more information available to the public, CMS announced on July 19, 2012.The two sites – Hospital Compare and … [Read more...] about Compare Hospitals or Nursing Homes Using Medicare’s Online Tools
More Concerns About Observation Status: Hospitals Join the Chorus
Hospital case managers and the hospital industry have joined the chorus of those opposed to observation status – a designation that renders a beneficiary ineligible for Medicare-covered skilled nursing facility (SNF) care. This Alert … [Read more...] about More Concerns About Observation Status: Hospitals Join the Chorus