Making permanent the law that provides access to Speech Generating Devices
for Medicare beneficiaries
The Bill was introduced in the Senate (S.1132) and House (H.R.2465) in May 2017. In the House, H.R. 2465 was referred to the Energy and Commerce Committee and the Ways and Means Committee. On May 19th, the Bill was referred by the Energy and Commerce Committee to the Subcommittee on Health. In the Senate, the Bill was referred to the Finance Committee on May 16th.
As of July 5th, there are currently 66 Bill co-sponsors in the House, and 5 in the Senate
Please review the co-sponsors of the Bill in the House and the Senate. If your Representative or Senators are not listed, please ask them to become co-sponsors of the Steve Gleason Enduring Voices Act. You can do this by using this link to our recent Action Alert, and by following up with them personally.