The Chair of the Leadership Council of Aging Organizations (LCAO), Max Richtman, sent a letter to Senators today urging support of the “Protecting Medicare Beneficiaries Act of 2015” S. 2148. This legislation would keep the 2016 premiums and deductible stable for all Medicare beneficiaries, by protecting the premiums of the 30% of beneficiaries who will not otherwise be held harmless, and maintaining the deductible for all beneficiaries at the 2015 threshold.
Without Congressional action, according to the 2015 Medicare Trustees Report, Part B premiums will increase by 52% — up to $159.30 per month from $104.90 — for 30% of beneficiaries in 2016. The increase will affect those new to Medicare in 2016, high-income beneficiaries, Medicare beneficiaries who do not receive Social Security, and dually eligible Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. The trustees also predict that this premium increase will be accompanied by a hike in the Part B deductible—up to $223 from $147. Unlike the 2016 Part B premium projections, the estimated increase in the Part B deductible will affect all Medicare beneficiaries.
LCAO is a coalition of 72 national nonprofit organizations concerned with the well-being of America's older population and committed to representing their interest in the policymaking arena. The Center for Medicare Advocacy is a member organization.
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