There is not much time left to obtain health insurance from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace during this year's Open Enrollment period. Consumers who need coverage should visit to shop, compare and find a plan that meets their needs. Consumers should act quickly. Not only has this year’s Open Enrollment period been shortened again – it ends on December 15th – it is also reported that will be down for maintenance from 12:00 am to 12:00 pm on Sundays, except for the last Sunday of the enrollment period. In addition, due to actions taken by the Administration to undermine the Marketplace, there is not as much assistance available to help consumers with enrollment.
A new poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that a “majority of the group most directly affected by open enrollment (those 18-64 years old who either purchase their own insurance or are currently uninsured) are unaware of the current open enrollment deadlines.” This is unfortunate, but no surprise. As we have previously highlighted, the Administration made severe cuts to navigator organizations and the outreach budget that supports enrollment.
Voters could not have been clearer on November 6th – they value access to comprehensive coverage. It is time for the Administration to stop doing the bare minimum and provide real assistance to the millions of people who need quality coverage.