Donations from individuals like you help the Center for Medicare Advocacy fight on behalf of individuals across the country. We want to share a story with you about just one of those people.
Mrs. B. has lived with multiple sclerosis for decades. She contacted the Center in 1987 when, for the first of many times, she was told that Medicare would no longer cover her much-needed health care at home such as physical therapy and nursing services.
CMA won Mrs. B.'s appeal but two decades later in May 2011, she was denied coverage yet again; this time on the grounds that she no longer needed skilled physical therapy. Her home health agency said the therapy was “maintenance only,” although without this care Mrs. B’s limbs are contracted, one arm so badly that it almost chokes her. This was the latest in a string of denials for the Medicare-covered home care Mrs. B. needs to stay at home; she was understandably scared and distressed.
That's where the Center stepped in. We appealed the decision to terminate Mrs. B’s Medicare coverage and all her home health care. We won her appeal. Mrs. B. is now once again able to receive the health care she needs to remain at home.
“I just got home from an operation, I had a new agency, and all hell broke loose. I stopped eating, I stopped sleeping, and I wanted to give up. My doctors were amazed we succeeded [in securing Medicare benefits] and I don't know what I would do without the Center for Medicare Advocacy. They gave me my life back.” – Mrs. B. |
Your support for the Center for Medicare Advocacy, will ensure that we have the resources to fight for fair coverage and for a vital Medicare program for future generations. For 25 years, the Center has fought for patients just like Mrs. B. With ongoing threats to the security of Medicare, our work has never been more important than it is today. We need your help to continue that work.
Please Support the Center Today Your tax-deductible gift of just $25 will help us continue our work to ensure a fair and comprehensive Medicare program and access to quality health care for today − and tomorrow. |
Every contribution will help our fight for Medicare and its beneficiaries.